How to Get Dollar from Ziddu
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
For those of you who do not yet know ziddu or how to get dollars from, this time I will try to explain all about ziddu and how we can get a dollar from there
- Understanding
Ziddu is a free unlimited file hosting, meaning you can upload any files such as pictures, video, mp3, etc into this site with your account that have been registered, to register i'll explain how below
- What do you get?
In accordance with the title that I wrote called 'get a dollar from', for those of you lovers of dime dollars from the Internet, it will not dissapointed if you joined here, because this is not a scam, ziddu has proven to pay, payment of the following screenshots
- How do I get a dollar from ziddu?
Any files that you upload, be it files the form of images, videos, music, or whatever file downloaded by other people with unique IP, then automatically you will get the dollars, your dollar will not get transferred directly by ziddu, but it will at first hold to the extent determined by the parties ziddu, the minimum payout is $10 (pretty easy right?)
- How Ziddu pays you?
Any earnings or income results in ziddu drops your sweat, will be transferred to your paypal account, for those who do not have a paypal account, please see the guide how to make paypal account here, it's free!
- Ziddu payment terms
Every time your file downloaded by the other people with Unique IP, then you will get $0.001
- 10000 unique downloads = $ 10
- 50000 unique downloads = $ 50
Tempting isn't it?
You can recommend your friends to join in ziddu, by recommending your friends you will be paid $0.10
I also currently being recommended in order to join you here,: D
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